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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  October 25, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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after the giants' amazing play last night, some finance are ready spend big bucks hoping to get into the world series game. good afternoon. i'm tori campbell. so far so good for giants getting ready for game 2. after a strong win last night, they
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are hoping for another victory. claudine wong has more from at&t who showed us great views from inside the park last night and now you're outside. >> reporter: that's right. we're outside. we're in mccovey cove. there's four boats out there getting ready for the game. you can see the parking lot starting to fill up. crews are busy. preps insaid the ballpark -- preps inside the ballpark, well underway. outside two men sat waiting for hours hoping to get a chance inside. >> we drove out here and camped out. >> reporter: and you are the only ones out here. does that tell you that you are the smart ones -- >> or stupid. >> or a combination of both. >> reporter: will they get them? we don't know they can buy them
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from stub hub. but the cheapest seats we could find at $475, they were not seats at all -- standing-room only. at go big and go home. this is the world series, afterall, $10,000 will get you these seats. if you watched any of game one, you are likely talking about those home runs. >> it's part of the game. >> the fact that we won, it's kind of surreal. it's a pleasure to be a part of it all. >> reporter: that's all they say they want. so they sit and they wait and they hope. >> pretty cool. >> reporter: if we don't tickets, i'm just hoping for a
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towel, a rally towel. back out here live, you can see the people at mccovey cove. the guys say they have a plan and they are gonna give it to them. coverage starts at 4:30 baumgartner on the mound for the giants. we're hoping -- for half of the game yesterday. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> and we'll be covering it tomorrow. thank you, claudine. for more details on sandoval's unbelievable performance in game one, he did something that's only been done by three major three other players in major league ball history. >> hits the ball. it's gone. >> he hit his first two homers off verlander and then added the first against al
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albuquerque and now he's in the elite group of babe ruth, reggie jackson and albert pujols. ruth hit three home runs in one world series game twice in 1926 and 1928. reggie jackson did it as well. you can watch the pregame coverage at 4:30 following the early news on ktvu at 4:00 p.m. it was one year ago today that occupy protesters were evicted from city hall oakland. brian flores joins us to let us know the plans to mark this anniversary. good afternoon, brian. >> good afternoon, there's already a small group of occupy protesters that are gathering here at frank ogawa plaza. this afternoon and into the evening. they are planning to gather and hold a vigil to commemorate the
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anniversary. one year later, they remembered. >> people can get along. when we had the camps, in a year's time without the camp and the ability to feed and house people, crime has risen 20%. >> reporter: organizers roughly estimate 200 people or more for the anniversary commemorating the first initial evacuation. boarded windows still remind people of what happened a year ago. but for occupy organizers they are calling for the vigil to be peaceful. >> in the name of the four children who slept in the camp on the morning of the raid, i ask for peace tonight. i ask the police to honor human life. >> reporter: occupy organizers say they are planning a meeting at 5:00. many of the businesses around the plaza tell ktvu they aren't planning on closing early and
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recent protests have been peaceful. but for some, they are skeptical. they come down here and they destroy property and became we're tired of -- and we're tired of it, basically. >> i think we're gonna do everything as normal. >> reporter: oh,ers want to address -- organizers want to address community demand. again, a large police presence is expected tonight. most activities will happen between 3:00 and about 7:00 tonight. there might be a campout tonight as well. even though most businesses will remain open, there will be security.
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a new survey by the publy policy institute of california shows 48% of likely voters now support prop 30 while 44% are opposed. this is the first time that support has fallen by 50%. governor brown talked about the proposition this morning in our news. prop 30 would raise taxes temporarily on those making more than $250,000. he says if it fails, billions will be cut from schools and universities. >> this sa close election. i'm gonna -- this is a close election, i'm gonna do everything i can -- this is a stark contrast about money from the richest, most powerful people. >> brown's opponents have been arcing that sacramento are should not be trusted with the
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-- have been arguing that sacramento should not be trusted with the people's money. >> it will be for a limited period of time but we're putting patrol cars in the most troubled areas. ktvu is continuing to track an investigation into questionable expenses by officials at the port of oakland. the director was placed on administrative leave. the move came after a ktvu report showed that james kwon spent public money at a texas strip club. we have since learned that owen benjamin was with kwon.
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we'll tell you it was not just kw on the n who spent this money right -- kwon who spent this money in the bay area. after a recent search and deadly violence. people in one neighborhood are hoping a higher power can help with with the -- with the killings. lots of prepaid cards
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come pre-filled with problems. enough is enough. introducing the chase liquid reloadable card. with chase liquid, there's no waiting and no fee to activate you can load cash and checks at any chase depositfriendly atm and there are no withdrawal fees at over 17,500 chase atms all for one flat fee of $4.95 per month. get rid of prepaid problems. get chase liquid. ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪
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[ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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with 12 days left, president obama and mitt romney are racing through swing states trying to attract undecidedded voters. >> our campaign is about big things. we happen to believe that america faces big challenges. we recognize this is the year with the big choice. the americans want to see big changes. i'm gonna bring it to this country. >> romney was in cincinnati and is set to attend a rally later
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today. >> i was proud and humbled to learn that we colin powell's support in this campaign. >> president obama now has the endorsement of -- of colin powell, the republican, former secretary of state, made the announcement this morning. he said because of mr. obama's policy, the country has come out of the dive and are starting to gain altitude. powell also endorsed president obama in 2008. two new polls show the presidential race remains a dead heat. 49% backing romney and 48% back the president. a "time" magazine poll shows president obama holding
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president obama leading -- poll shows president obama leading. one person has been killed. another was injured in the shooting in san francisco's mission district. it happened around 6:00 last night near 24th and harrison. police say the victims were approached by two men who opened fire. one of the victims died at the scene, the other was taken to the hospital. it was the third homicide in the -- homicide in the mission in eight days. in san francisco, this morning, members of the roman catholic archdiocese held a prayer vigil for 19-year-old homicide victim jose escobar, where he was gunned down on saturday. this is part of the archdiocese victims assistance program. >> we'll be working with the
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families. everyone that dies in the city. today marks the beginning officially of the archdiocese to work and -- you know, work with the pipe that die through violence -- with the people that die through violence. >> organizers plan to hold vigils in the area where they are killed. san francisco police are trying to figure out what led to a shooting in a parking lot that left a woman wounded on monterey road near kirtner avenue. investigators say the victim was walking with her husband and another man when a white mercedes pulled up and someone inside opened fire hitting the woman. the husband called 911 and reportedly named the two women in the car. police caught one them about a mile a -- a mile away. >> witness accounts say the victim and suspect knew each other. we're trying to dig through the
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argument. we're not exactly sure. all we know is -- is shots were fired and the victim was hit. >> the victim is expected to survive. after the world series game last night, a driver lost control of his car and it flew over an overpass. this happened around 10:00 on the 18th street overpass on interstate 280 in san francisco. police say the car went through a railing and dropped and landed -- and landed on the roof. >> the fact that no one else was involved in this, another motorist, pedestrian walking across. >> the injuries do not appear to be life-threatening. san francisco police made several arrests near at&t park during the world series opener. one of the man climbed up the lefty o'doul bridge to try to
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get a better view of the game. as officers approached, he climbed higher. he was arrested for trespassing. recent radiation surveys on treasure island found no health risks. the technicians surveyed sites including a daycare centerrer, youth center, sports field and some backyards. most areas did have some radiation but officials did not find any health-related issues. starting next month, lighting a fire in your fireplace on a spare-the-air- day could cost you either in time or money. first-time violenters will have a choice, starting november 1st you can go to -- violaters will have a choice. starting another 1, you can --
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you can go to a -- starting northern 1st, you can go to a class or -- november 1st, you can go to a class or pay a fine. squaw valley's open one ski run today, just for the day with a welcome winter fund- raiser. it's the earliest they've opened in 51 years. proceeds will go to the squaw valley. borreal will open tomorrow. the management will decide if there's enough snow to stay open next week. it is nice to see that snow in the sierra. things fairly quiet. we had some light showers,
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spotty drizzle in the bay area. a live look outside. the clouds are beginning to break up, revealing partly cloudy skies, setting the stage for a nice pattern in the afternoon. right on the maps you can see the radar loop. not a lot of coverage here. you can still have a few spotty sprinklers. the latest on the satellite, we're watching san francisco closely with the world series later on this afternoon. we do have this lingering cloud cover. game 2 of the world series, it's happening today. partly sunny skies, temperatures on the cool side. upper 50s an a -- and a bit of a breeze out there. winds approaching 10 to 12 miles an hour. temperatures are updated. santa rosa right now, 65.
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san jose, 56. livermore right around 60 degrees. we haven't tracked this weather system, the shower activity moves out revealing a sun/cloud mix. high pressure rebuilds over the next few days. look what happens. you can see temperatures respond by going up. warmest locations on track to reach the 70s. things could be changing. by wednesday we could be tracking a few showers. this afternoon looking pretty nice with partly cloudy skies -- with partly cloudy skies. forecast temperatures mainly in the upper 60s to the lower 60s. the warmest locations. san jose right around 69, fremont, 68. san francisco in the mid-60s. about 65 degrees with some scattered cloud cover there. here is look ahead to your five- day forecast. you will notice this friday, we're gonna warm things back up by the weekend.
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very nice. upper 60s to the upper 70s. a few neighborhoods could be approaching 80 and then a little bit of cooling by monday. it's been quite a week. last week we had record heat, then cold temperatures and then -- >> back and forth. >> why he -- yes. if you have a heart attack and collapse in a poor african- american neighborhood, a new study says you are not as likely to receive cpr than in a medium white family. they say not a lot of cpr classes are offered in that
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area. president obama revealed why he believes donald trump is always attacking him over his place of birth. >> this all dates back to when we were growing up together in kenya. [laughter] >> he had -- he had constant -- we had constant run-ins on the soccer field. he wasn't very good and resented it. when we finally moved to america, i thought it would be over. [laughter] >> yesterday, trump announce ed would donate $5 million to charity if president obama would release his peace port application and college records. ahead -- how facebook is giving back to the community. if you are not in the market for a new car, we'll tell you why it is easier to find a good used car. [ female announcer ] this is the story of joycelin...
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[ joycelin ] it was a typical morning. i was getting ready for work, and then i got this horrible headache, and then i blacked out. [ female announcer ] ...who thought she had reached the end of her story. [ joycelin ] the doctor told me i had two brain aneurysms and that one of them had ruptured. [ female announcer ] fortunately, she was treated at sutter health's california pacific medical center. [ joycelin ] the nurses and doctors were amazing, and they were like a second family to me. and now i'm back to doing what i love. [ female announcer ] california pacific medical center and sutter health. our story is you. wo [ female announcer ] california pacific medical center and sutter health.
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a weak showing in home seams, taking a -- sales, taking a look at the big board, the dow is down 5. the nasdaq is up slightly and the s&p is
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up 1. could be a little cheaper to buy a used car these days. buyers are paying about 4% less than they did last month when they buy from new car dealers. and the price is down 67% when buying from independent used car lots. as the economy improves, more people are buying new cars and trading in the old vehicles and that leads to more available used cars. facebook says a foundation that will offer grants to nonprofits will start awarding funds at the end of the year. they say $500,000 will be distributed to nonprofits serving menlo park and east palo alto. this is part of the deal they struck with the city of menlo. the news will be on early at 4:00 p.m. to bring you game 2 of the world series. our coverage of that starts --
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starts at 4:30. today, a new recommendation for every woman. the fight against whooping cough. >> thank you for joining us. we will see you the next time news breaks. we're always here at and mobile ktvu. alright let's break it down.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here
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we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin


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